Page 42 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 42

40  Materialism

                  fered to our young sters in our sec ond -  erned  com plete ly  by  phys i cal  law.
                  ary and high schools and taught in  Physical law is the on ly law gov ern ing
                  uni ver si ties as the sole sci en tif ic ex pla -  our de sires, our hopes, our eth ics, our
                  na tion of life and its codes.     goals, and our des ti nies. Matter and
                                                     en er gy must be our pri ma ry fo cus, the
                  If a rea son a ble ma te ri al is tic view of bi -
                                                     ob ject of all of our de sires and am bi -
                  o gen e sis is to be taught as a fact, the
                                                     tions. Specifically, this means that our
                  prob lem of pro gram ming, sim u la tion,
                                                     lives must be fo cused on ac quir ing ma -
                  lan guage, code and trans la tion of a
                                                     te ri al goods (in clud ing bod ies), or at
                  code-ob tained  spon ta ne ous ly  from
                                                     least re ar rang ing or ex chang ing them,
                  non code-must be square ly faced. For
                                                     in or der to pro duce the max i mum ma -
                  mat ter, which is known to pos sess nei -
                                                     te ri al  sat is fac tion  and  pleas ure.  We
                  ther plans, in tel li gence, nor pro gram -
                                                     must ex pend all of our en er gy in this
                  ming,  al leged  by  the  ma te ri al ists  to
                                                     quest, for there can be no oth er goal.
                  have con jured them all up like a rab bit
                                                     And in all of this, we have no choice,
                  out of a hat.   34
                                                     be cause we are to tal ly gov erned by
                  The  em i nent  bi ol o gist  Hubert
                                                     phys i cal law. We may feel trapped by
               Yockey agrees:
                                                     these be liefs and de sires, but we can not
                  Faith in the in fal li ble and com pre hen -  shake them. They to tal ly dom i nate us.
                  sive doc trines of di a lec tic ma te ri al ism
                                                     A  suc cinct,  per son al ized,  sum ma ry
                  plays a cru cial role in or i gin of life sce -
                                                     state ment of ma te ri al ist phi los o phy is,
                  nar i os. . . That life must ex ist some -
                                                     "I am a body."   36
                  where in the so lar sys tem on ‘suit a ble
                                                     This ma te ri al ist dog ma un der lies
                  plan ets else where' is wide ly and te na -
                  cious ly be lieved in spite of lack of ev i -  the  ev o lu tion ist  prop a gan da  that
                  dence or even abun dant ev i dence to the  one con stant ly en coun ters in some of
                  con tra ry.  35                  the prom i nent me dia or gan i za tions
                                                   and well-known jour nals, as a re sult
                  Stanley Sobottka, a pro fes sor of
                                                   of such ide o log i cal and phil o soph i -
               phys ics from Virginia University,
                                                   cal re quire ments. Since ev o lu tion is
               de scribes the dis tort ed na ture of ma -
                                                   cru cial in ide o log i cal terms, it is ac -
               te ri al ism:
                                                   cept ed with out any de bate by the
                  The wide spread be lief in ma te ri al ism
                                                   ma te ri al ist cir cles that de ter mine the
                  has pro found ef fects in our lives and in
                                                   stand ards of sci ence.
                  our so ci e ty. If we be lieve this way, we
                  must con clude that ev ery thing, in clud -  Evolution is ac tu al ly not a the o ry
                  ing our selves and all of life, is gov -  that emerged as a re sult of sci en tif ic
                                                   re search. On the con tra ry, the the o ry

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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