Page 54 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 54

52  "Mitochondrial Eve" Thesis's Inconsistencies, The

               or gan elles in the cell. The DNA in  the chim pan zee is man's an ces tor.
               the nu cle us forms as a re sult of the  Over hun dreds of thou sands of
               com bi na tion of DNA from the moth -  years, ac cord ing to this claim, ran -
               er and fa ther, but the moth er is the  dom mu ta tions turned chim pan zee
               sole source of the mi to chon dri al  DNA in to our present mi to chon dri al
               DNA. Every hu man be ing's mi to -  DNA. Starting from that pre con cep -
               chon dri al DNA is there fore iden ti cal  tion, they then at tempt ed to de ter -
               to his or her moth er's, and there fore,  mine where and when the present
               the or i gin of man can be re searched  ev o lu tion a ry fam i ly tree be gan.
               by fol low ing this trail.            The Berkeley University bi o -
                  The  "mi to chon dri al  Eve"  the sis  chemists  Wilson,  Cann  and
               dis torts this fact by in ter pret ing it ac -  Stoneking, who first pro posed the
               cord ing to the dog mas of the the o ry  the o ry, set out with fun da men tal as -
               of ev o lu tion. A few ev o lu tion ist sci -  sump tions that were im pos si ble to
               en tists have re gard ed the mi to chon -  prove:
               dri al DNA of the first hu man oid as  1.  The  or i gin  of  mi to chon dri al
               the DNA of chim pan zees, by view -  DNA lies in hom i nids, in oth er
               ing as in dis pu ta ble sci en tif ic fact the  words ape-like crea tures.
                                     claim that      2. Mutations must have caused
                                                   reg u lar  chan ges  in  mi to chon dri al
        mem brane
                                                       3. These mu ta tions must have
                                                       tak en place con stant ly and at a
                                                         fixed rate.
                                Lysozome                      Taking these as sump -
         Mitochondria                                       tions as their ba sis, the re -
                                                             search ers  be lieved  that
                                                             they could ob tain a mo -
                                            ret ic u lum
                                                             lec u lar clock to show
                                              Chromosome     how quick ly a spe cies
                                                             changed with in the al -
                                                              leged proc ess of ev o lu -

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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