Page 33 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 33

Lucy Deceit (Australopithecus afa ren sis), The  31

           need ed to be re moved from the hu -
           man fam i ly tree:
              A new the o ry states that the ge nus
              Australopithecus is not the root of the
              hu man race. . . The re sults ar rived at
              by the on ly wom an au thor ized to ex -
              am ine St W573 are dif fer ent from the
              nor mal the o ries re gard ing man kind's
              an ces tors: this de stroys the hom i nid
              fam i ly tree. Large pri mates, con sid ered
              the an ces tors of man, have been re -
              moved from the equa tion of this fam i ly
              tree . . . Australopithecus and Homo
              (hu man) spe cies do not ap pear on the
              same branch. Man's di rect an ces tors
              are still wait ing to be dis cov ered.  23

                                                                 The "Lucy"
                                                                 skel e ton

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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