Page 63 - The Evolution Impasse 2
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Morris, John   61

           in i tial struc tures, with out hav ing un -  sues that make up or gans; cy tol o gy,
           der gone  any  ev o lu tion—and  that,  the study of the mi cro scop ic struc -
           just as with fos sils, no in ter me di ate  ture of the cells that make up tis sues;
           form among mol e cu les has ev er   and em bry ol o gy, the study of all the
           been found.                         phas es  be tween  the  fer ti lized  egg
              Michael Denton bas es this com -  (zy gote) and the emer gence of an in -
           ment on re sults ob tained from the  de pend ent or gan ism.  60
           field of mo lec u lar bi ol o gy:     Comparisons be tween the ho -
              Each class at a mo lec u lar lev el is  mol o gous  or  anal o gous  or gans  of
              unique, iso lat ed and un linked by in ter -  liv ing things are per formed on the
              me di ates. Thus mol e cu les, like fos sils  ba sis of find ings ob tained from mor -
              have fail ed to pro vide the elu sive in ter -  phol o gy. (See Homologous Organs;
              me di ates so long sought by ev o lu tion a -  Analogous Organs.) All liv ing
              ry bi ol o gy.  58               things  with  sim i lar  mor phol o gies
              In short, the ho mo log i cal hy poth -  are re gard ed as ho mol o gous in or -
           e sis  that  looks  for  an a tom i cal  or  der to con struct a sup posed ev o lu -
           chem i cal sim i lar i ties in liv ing things  tion a ry re la tion ship be tween them.
           and at tempts to por tray them as ev i -  However, there is no sci en tif ic ba sis
           dence for ev o lu tion has been in val i -  for this. Indeed, there are many ex -
           dat ed by the sci en tif ic facts.  am ples of spe cies that re sem ble each
                                               oth er very close ly, but be tween
                                               which no so-called ev o lu tion a ry re -
              This is the branch of sci ence that  la tion ship can be con struct ed—and
           stud ies the shape and struc ture of  this rep re sents a ma jor in con sist en cy
           or gan isms as a whole. With plants, it  from the point of view of ev o lu tion -
           in ves ti gates the struc tures and com -  ist claims.
           mon or gan i za tion of the root, stem,
           leaves and fruits; and with an i mals
                                               THE MORPHOLOGICAL
           and hu man be ings, com pares and
                                               HOMOLOGY MYTH
           an a ly zes their phys i cal struc ture.  59
              Sub-branch es of mor phol o gy in -  —See Homology
           clude anat o my, the study of the vis i -
           ble in ter nal and ex ter nal struc tures  MORRIS, JOHN
           of or gan isms; his tol o gy, the study of  Professor John Morris is the di -
           the mi cro scop ic struc ture of the tis -  rect or of the Institute for Creation

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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