Page 71 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 71

Narrow Population  69

           NARROW POPULATION                   ing and giv ing rise to new spe cies,
                                               nar row pop u la tions ac tu al ly cause
              One of the views held by the pro -
                                               se vere ge net ic im pair ments, since in -
           po nents of punc tu at ed ev o lu tion is
                                               di vid u als must con stant ly re pro duce
           the con cept of  nar row  pop u la tions.
                                               with in a re strict ed gene pool. As re -
           This pos tu lates that new spe cies
                                               sult, nor mal ly het er o zy got ic in di vid u -
           form in com mu ni ties con sist ing of
                                               als be come in creas ing ly ho mo zy got ic.
           very small num bers of an i mals or
                                               Impaired or de fective genes, nor mal -
           plants. According to this claim, pop -
                                               ly re ces sive be come dom i nant, and
           u la tions con tain ing large num bers of
                                               the pop u la tion suf fers in creas ing ge -
           an i mals ex hib it no ev o lu tion a ry de -
                                               net ic dis eas es.   67
           vel op ment, but re main in a state of
                                                 In or der to in ves ti gate this, one
           sta sis. However, small groups that
                                               study on chick ens was con duct ed
           sep a rate from this pop u la tion and
                                               over 35 years. Chickens kept in a
           be come iso lat ed (gen er al ly be cause
                                               nar row pop u la tion were seen to be -
           of ge o graph i cal con di tions), will re -
                                               come  ge net i cal ly  weak en ed.  Egg
           pro duce sole ly among them selves.
                                               pro duc tion fell from 100% to 80%,
           Macro-mu ta tions then oc cur in these
                                               and re pro duc tion lev els from 93% to
           groups and rap id  spe ci a tion takes
                                                 However, this ge net ic re gres sion
              Proponents of punc tu at ed equi -
                                               was halt ed through con scious hu -
           lib ri um in sist on the con cept of nar -
                                               man  in ter ven tion.  When  chick ens
           row  pop u la tions  sim ply  be cause
                                               were brought in from oth er re gions
           they can not ac count for the lack of
                                               and the aug ment ed chick en pop u la -
           any ev i dence in the fos sil rec ords.
                                               tion re as sumed nor mal trends.  68
           That is why they im ag ine that ev o lu -
                                                 This and sim i lar find ings show
           tion a ry chan ges took place very rap -
                                               that the claim of punc tu at ed ev o lu -
           id ly and in nar row pop u la tions, for
                                               tion—that  nar row  pop u la tions  are
           which rea son no fos sil tra ces have
                                               the source of ev o lu tion a ry de vel op -
           been left be hind.
                                               ment—has no sci en tif ic va lid i ty. (See
              In re cent years, how e ver, sci en tif -
                                               The Punctuated Evolution Model.)
           ic  ex per i ments  and  ob ser va tions
           have re vealed that nar row pop u la -
           tions are a dis ad van tage rath er than
           an ad van tage. Rather than de vel op -

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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