Page 81 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 81

Octopus's Eye, The  79

           OCTOPUS'S EYE, THE                  tions of the the o ry of ev o lu tion. This
                                               in turn shows that there is noth ing
              Evolutionists main tain that all
                                               sci en tif ic  about  the  ev o lu tion ist
           liv ing things with sim i lar struc tures
                                               claim based on sim i lar i ties.
           and or gans share an ev o lu tion a ry re -
                                                 All ev o lu tion ists seek to do is to
           la tion ship. One of the per fect ly clear
                                               in ter pret the find ings they dis cov er
           ex am ples that in val i date this claim,
                                               against the terms of ev o lu tion dog -
           known as ho mol o gy, is the oc to pus
                                               ma, which they as sume to be true
           eye. (See Homology.) According to
                                               right from the out set. Yet the in ter -
           ev o lu tion ists' im ag i nary tree of life,
                                               pre ta tions they come up with are
           oc to pi —be ing mol lusks—are one of
                                               high ly in con sist ent. Because some -
           the life forms fur thest re moved from
                                               times or gans they are forced to re -
           hu man be ings. Although the oc to -
                                               gard as anal o gous re sem ble one an -
           pus and man are very dif fer ent life
                                               oth er so close ly, de spite their ex -
           forms, be tween which no so called
                                               traor di na ri ly  com plex  struc tures,
           ev o lu tion a ry re la tion ship can ex ist,
                                               that it is ut ter ly il log i cal to sug gest
           their eyes have ex act ly the same
                                               that such re sem blan ces came about
           struc ture! This is a clear sign that
                                               as the re sult of ran dom mu ta tions. If,
           sim i lar struc tures do not con sti tute
                                               as ev o lu tion ists claim, the oc to pus's
           proof of ev o lu tion.
                                               eye emerged as the re sult of chance,
              Confronted by this sit u a tion, ev o -
                                               then the ver te brate eye should have
           lu tion ists say that these or gans are
                                               emerged by re peat ing those ex act
           not ho mol o gous (that is, de scend ed
                                               same co in ci den ces.
           from a com mon an ces tor) but rath er
                                                 The  well-known  ev o lu tion ist
           anal o gous—sim i lar,  de spite  the  ab -
                                               Frank Salisbury writes:
           sence of any ev o lu tion a ry re la tion -
           ship. See Homologous Organs and       Even some thing as com plex as the eye
                                                 has ap peared sev er al times; for ex am -
           Analogous Organs.) In their view,
                                                 ple, in the squid, the ver te brates, and
           for in stance, the hu man eye and the
                                                 the ar thro pods. It's bad enough ac -
           oc to pus eye are anal o gous or gans.
                                                 count ing for the or i gin of such things
              However, the ques tion of wheth -
                                                 once, but the thought of pro duc ing
           er a par tic u lar or gan should be in -
                                                 them sev er al times ac cord ing to the
           clud ed in the ho mol o gous or the
                                                 mod ern  syn thet ic  the o ry  makes  my
           anal o gous  cat e go ry  is  an swered         74
                                                 head swim.
           sole ly ac cord ing to the pre con cep -
                                                 According to the the o ry of ev o lu -
           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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