Page 83 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 83

Open System  81

           sem bling one an oth er. When these  study of the ev o lu tion of or gan isms."
           frauds were ex posed, he had no oth -  77
           er de fense oth er than to say that oth -  Ever since Oparin, ev o lu tion ists
           er ev o lu tion ists did ex act ly the                have car ried out
           same thing:                                           count less ex per -
              After this com pro mis ing con -                   i ments,  stud ies
              fes sion of ‘for ger y' I should be                and   ob ser va -
              obliged to con sid er my self con -                tions to prove
              demned and an ni hi lat ed if I had                that the cell
              not the con so la tion of see ing                  could     have
              side by side with me in the pris -                 come  in to  ex is -
              on er's dock hun dreds of fel low-
                                                                 tence by chance.
              cul prits, among them many of
                                                                 However, ev ery
              the most trust ed ob serv ers and  Alexander I. Oparin  study has un -
              most es teemed bi ol o gists. The
                                                                 der mined  ev o -
              great ma jor i ty of all the di a grams in
                                               lu tion ists' as sump tions by re veal ing
              the best bi o log i cal text books, trea tis es
                                               in  ev er-great er  de tail  the  com plex
              and jour nals would in cur in the same
                                               cre a tion in the cell.
              de gree the charge of ‘'for gery,' for all of
              them are in ex act, and are more or less
              doc tored, sche ma tised and con struct ed.
                                               OPEN SYSTEM
                                                 The term "open sys tem" re fers to
                                               a ther mo dy nam ic sys tem with an ex -
           OPARIN, ALEXANDER I.                ter nal  en er gy  source,  in to  which
                                               mat ter en ters and de parts. Since the
              The Russian bi ol o gist Alexander
                                               the o ry of ev o lu tion con flicts with the
           I. Oparin, founder of the con cept of
                                               Second Law of Thermodynamics
           "chem i cal ev o lu tion," could not ob -
                                               (the Law of Entropy), ev o lu tion ists
           tain any find ings to shed light on the
                                               main tain that this en tro py ap plies
           or i gins of life, de spite all his the o ret -
                                               on ly to closed sys tems. They re sort to
           i cal re search. In his 1936 book The
                                               a de cep tion, main tain ing that open
           Origin    of  Life,  he    wrote,
                                               sys tems lie out side this law. They
           "Unfortunately . . . the prob lem of
                                               sug gest, fur ther, that the Earth's bi o -
           the or i gin of the cell is per haps the
                                               sphere is an open sys tem, be ing ex -
           most ob scure point in the whole
                                               posed to a con stant flow of en er gy
           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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