Page 88 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 88

86  Origin of the Avian Lung

                  par a bron chi even tu al ly join up to geth -  struc tures is pos si ble. Any ver te -
                  er again, form ing a true cir cu la to ry  brate must breathe in or der to sur -
                  sys tem so that air flows in one di rec -  vive, and the first step in any change
                  tion through the lungs. . . [T]he struc -  of pul mo nary struc ture would lead
                  ture of the lung in birds and the over -
                                                   to the death of that in ter me di ate
                  all func tion ing of the re spir a to ry sys -
                  tem is quite unique. No lung in any
                                                     Furthermore, the the o ry of ev o lu -
                  oth er  ver te brate  spe cies  is  known
                                                   tion main tains that all chan ges took
                  which in any way ap proach es the avi -
                                                   place  grad u al ly,  over  mil lions  of
                  an sys tem. Moreover, it is iden ti cal in
                                                   years. Yet no crea ture whose lungs
                  all es sen tial de tails in birds as di verse
                                                   do not func tion can sur vive for more
                  as hum ming birds, os trich es and
                  hawks. 83                        than a few mi nutes.
                                                     In his book  A Theory in Crisis,
                  It is im pos si ble for the rep til i an
                                                   Michael Denton sets out the im pos si -
               lung, with its two-way air flow, to
                                                   bil i ty of ex plain ing the or i gin of the
               have evolved in to the avi an lung,
                                                   avi an  lung  from  an  ev o lu tion a ry
               with a one-way flow. No tran si tion al
                                                   per spec tive:
               stage be tween these two pul mo nary
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