Page 95 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 95
Origin of the Bats 93
Moreover, again con tra ry to the ing char ac ter is tics is the com plex so -
ev o lu tion ist claims, the ev o lu tion of nar sys tem they pos sess, thanks to
bac te ria in to the so-called eu kar y ot ic which bats are able to fly and per -
cells of plants and an i mals goes form aer o bat ic ma neu vers in pitch
against ev ery bi o log i cal, phys i cal dark ness, where they can not see at
and chem i cal law. Even though sup - all. They are able to de tect and catch
port ers of the ev o lu tion a ry the o ry a ti ny cat er pil lar on the floor of a
are com plete ly aware of this, they do pitch-black room.
not aban don their un ten a ble claims. The bat works this so nar by emit -
For ex am ple, Dr. Ali Demirsoy, an ting a con stant stream of high-fre -
ev o lu tion ist pro fes sor, ad mits that quen cy sounds, an a lyz ing the ech -
these bac te ria cells, claimed to be oes made by them, and thus ob tain -
prim i tive, can not change in to eu kar - ing a de tailed per cep tion of its sur -
y ot ic cells: round ings. It does this at an ex traor -
One of the most dif fi cult sta ges of ev o - di na ry speed, non-stop and per fect ly
lu tion to ex plain sci en tif i cal ly is how dur ing the time it spends in flight.
or gan elles and com plex cells could de - Research in to the so nar sys tem in
vel op from these prim i tive life forms. bats has re vealed even more as ton -
Actually, a tran si tion al form be tween ish ing dis cov er ies. The fre quen cy
these two forms has not been found. range the bat can de tect is very nar -
Single-celled and mul ti-celled have
row, and since it can per ceive
this com plex struc ture. No sin gle life
sounds on ly with in a spe cif ic range,
form or group of life forms has been
a very im por tant prob lem aris es.
found that is more prim i tive or has or -
According to the phys i cal phe nom e -
gan elles with a sim pler struc ture. That
non known as the Doppler Effect,
is, the car ried or gan elles de vel oped
the fre quen cy of a sound chan ges
with all their char ac ter is tics. There is
when it re flects off a mov ing body.
no sim ple or prim i tive form. 90
Therefore, when a bat emits
sound waves in the di rec tion of a
moth fly ing away from it, the re turn -
ing sound waves will be be low the
Bats, the on ly fly ing mam mals,
fre quen cy that the bat can de tect. For
are with out doubt one of the most
that rea son, the bat should have
in ter est ing crea tures in their class.
enor mous dif fi cul ty in de tect ing its
Heading the list of bats' fas ci nat -
mov ing prey.
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar