Page 97 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 97
Origin of Behavior 95
in terms of ran dom mu ta tions. In or - Icaronycteris tells us noth ing about the
der for the sys tem to func tion, it ev o lu tion of flight in bats be cause it
must ex ist ful ly formed and com - was a per fect ly good fly ing bat. 92
plete, right down to the small est de - It is im pos si ble for the bat's com -
tails. The so nar will work on ly if the plex bod i ly sys tems to have emerged
bat has the prop er struc ture for emit - through ev o lu tion, and the fos sil rec -
ting high-fre quen cy sounds, the or - ords con firm that no such ev o lu tion
gans with which to de tect and an a - ev er took place. On the con tra ry, the
lyze these, and a sys tem ca pa ble of first bats that came in to be ing on
var y ing the fre quen cy, de pend ing of Earth were ex act ly the same as their
chan ges in move ment. Such so phis - present-day coun ter parts. Bats have
ti ca tion can not, of course, be ex - al ways ex ist ed as bats.
plained in terms of ran dom chance,
but ac tu al ly shows that the bat was
cre at ed in the most per fect man ner. ORIGIN OF BEHAVIOR
In ad di tion, the fos sil record al so Evolutionists re gard all an i mal
shows that bats ap peared sud den ly and hu man be hav ior as hav ing spe -
on Earth, and with all their present- cif ic ev o lu tion a ry or i gins, be liev ing
day char ac ter is tics. The ev o lu tion ist that the present char ac ter is tics they
pa le on tol o gists John Hill and James pos sess have been passed down
Smith make the fol low ing con fes - from their sup posed an ces tors, from
sion: the first cell through to their present-
The fos sil record of bats ex tends back to day forms.
the ear ly Eocene . . . and has been doc - Again ac cord ing to ev o lu tion ists,
u ment ed . . . on five con ti nents . . . the old est form of be hav ior in an i -
[A]ll fos sil bats, even the old est, are
mals is food-gath er ing, which be -
clear ly ful ly de vel oped bats and so they
hav ior is com mon to all liv ing
shed lit tle light on the tran si tion from
things, from the first cells up to hu -
their ter res tri al an ces tor. 91
man be ings. Impulses to sur vive
On the same sub ject, the ev o lu -
(self-pres er va tion) and to re pro duce
tion ist pa le on tol o gist L. R. Godfrey
and pre serve the race or spe cies
emerged lat er.. According to ev o lu -
There are some re mark a bly well pre - tion ists, all be hav ior has one or i gin
served ear ly Tertiary fos sil bats, such and one sin gle cause, and un der -
as Icaronycteris index, but
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar