Page 99 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 99

Origin of the Birds  97

           In  fact,  how e ver,  com par i son  of  Sun's rays. Reptiles con sume the
           birds and rep tiles re veals that these  least en er gy, and birds the most.
           class es are very dif fer ent from one  Despite  be ing  an  ev o lu tion ist,
           an oth er, and that no ev o lu tion be -  North  Carolina  University's
           tween them is pos si ble.           Professor Alan Feduccia op pos es the
              There are many struc tur al dif fer -  the o ry that birds are re lat ed to di no -
           en ces be tween birds and rep tiles,  saurs. His op po si tion to the di no-
           one of the most im por tant of which  bird claims is based on sci en tif ic
           is bone struc ture. The bones of di no -  find ings:
           saurs are thick and sol id. In con trast,       "All in all, I find the
           the bones of both liv ing and                      whole di no-bird busi -
           ex tinct spe cies of birds                          ness a to tal hoax."  93
           are hol low, which                                     Larry Martin,
           makes them very                                      a        Kansas
           light. Reptiles                                     University   au-
           have the slow est me tab o lism in the           thor i ty  on  an cient
           liv ing world, while birds hold the             birds, al so op pos es the
           record for the fast est. For ex am ple,         the o ry that birds are
           due to its rap id me tab o lism, a spar -
           row's  body  tem per a ture  may
           some times reach 48 de grees
           Celsius. But rep tiles are un a ble to
           pro duce their own body heat, warm -
           ing them selves by means of the

           Because of their heavy, bulky bod ies,
           di no saur bones are very thick and
           sol id. On the oth er hand, the bones of
           all birds liv ing to day and that have so
           far been dis cov ered as fos sils are
           hol low and thus very light.

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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