Page 267 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 267
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
tin guished state." Given that the flame re sults from burn ing a flam ma ble
sub stance, what waits "in an ex tin guished state" is not the flame it self, but
rath er the ma te ri al to be burned. In this con text, this may mean un der -
ground oil. "Berehut" is the name of a well. This can be con sid ered as an
oil well. When the time comes, oil ex tract ed from these wells will be come
a fire ready to be burned.
"That flame swal lows up peo ple with ter ri ble pain in side it."
That flame is not mere ly a burn ing flare that makes peo ple mis er a ble
and sor row ful, but al so de prives them of their lives and pos ses sions, and
con tam i nates the sur round ing en vi ron ment.
"That flame... burns down and de stroys peo ple and prop er ty."
It caus es the death of cer tain peo ple and in ad di tion, burns down
prop er ty, caus ing ma te ri al dam age and, by pol lut ing the sur round ing en -
vi ron ment, de stroys what peo ple need in or der to live.
"... spreads all over the world by fly ing like a cloud with the as sist -
ance of winds."
This par tic u lar el e ment is the smoke that the flame it pro du ces. Thus,
Kuwait and the Persian Gulf were en gulfed by flames as a re sult of the Iraqi in va -
sion of Kuwait in July 1991 and the burn ing of the Kuwaiti oil wells.