Page 268 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 268
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
this had ith in di cates that the smoke will reach as high as the clouds and
be spread by the wind in all di rec tions.
"Its heat at night is much high er than its day time tem per a ture."
In oth er words, the flame will burn around the clock.
"By go ing as deep as the cen ter of earth from above the heads of peo -
ple, that flame makes a ter ri ble noise, just like the thun der be tween the
ground and the sky."
The flame will climb very high in to the air and cause very strong ex -
plo sions re sem bling a thun der.
"... a brand-new red ness un like the usu al col or of red spread ing over
the sky..."
This part of the had ith points out that the in ci dent will oc cur at night,
with the flames of a large ex plo sion lead ing to a very strong il lu mi na tion.
The red dish il lu mi na tion caused by such flames is very dif fer ent from the
red dish ness of "dawn with which peo ple are fa mil iar. Such an il lu mi na -
tion at night, very sim i lar to day light, is an ex traor di na ry phe nom e non.
In July 1991, aft er Iraq in vad ed Kuwait, fires spread through out
Kuwait and the Persian Gulf as the Iraqis fired Kuwait's oil wells. This is
how the me dia de scribed these fires:
The burn ing oil in Kuwait led to the deaths of peo ple and an i mals.
According to ex perts, half a mil lion tons of oil went up in to the at -
mos phere as smoke. Every day, more than 10,000 tons of soot, sul fur,
Troops set fire to the oil wells in Kuwait at Saddam Hussain's com mand.