Page 273 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 273

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            the Saudi sol diers and the Iranian pil grims com mit ted great sins by kill -
            ing one an oth er. These bloody in ci dents have strong par al lels to the in ci -
            dents de scribed in the had iths.

                  There will be cries of war in Shawwal, act of war and carnage (battle,
                  fight) in Dhu al-Hijja. Again in [the month of] Dhu al-Hijja, pilgrims
                  will be despoiled and their streets will be full of blood and prohibitions are
                  broken. Great sins will be commited in Bayt al-Muaddham. (Al-Muttaqi
                  al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 37.)

                "... Great sins will be committed in Bayt al-Muaddham."
                   This hadith draws attention to the incidents that will occur not in
            Bayt al-Muaddham (Ka'bah) but close to it. The incidents during the
            month of Dhul al-Hijja (pilgrimage season) of the Hijri year 1407 actually
            took place near the Ka'bah, and not inside it, unlike the event of 1400 (Hi-
            jri year). The first incident that we narrated at the beginning occurred on
            Muharram 1, 1400 in Bayt al-Muaddham (Ka'bah) itself. Both incidents
            happened just as the hadiths indicated that they would.

                                             Mecca invaded

                                            Turkiye, November 21, 1979

            They have attacked                                  Clash in Mecca:
                                               Turkiye, August 2, 1987
                  the Ka'bah                                        402 dead

              Son Havadis, November 22, 1979

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