Page 283 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 283

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                18. Flames destroy homes in Baghdad:

                  Baghdad is de stroyed by fire in the End Times... (Risalat al-Khuruj al-
                  Mahdi, vol. 3, p. 177.)

                From the very first day of the Second Gulf War in 2003, Baghdad was
                                          the tar get of very in ten sive bomb ing.
            Under  heavy  bom bard -
                                                               Baghdad in
            ment, the city burned, just
            as the had ith said it would.                         flames
            Images of Baghdad, ap -
            pear ing on TV and in
            news pa pers, con veyed
            this re al i ty to the world—
            a clear in di ca tion that we
            are  liv ing in the End

                19. An embargo against                           Sabah, March 22, 2003
                Iraq and Damascus:

                  "It may hap pen that the peo ple of Iraq may not send their qa fiz [their
                  meas ures of food-stuff] and dir hams [their mon ey]." We said: "Who
                  would be re spon si ble for it?" He said: "The non-Arabs would pre vent
                  them." He again: "There is the pos si bil i ty that the peo ple of Syria may
                  not send their di nar and mudd." We said: "Who would be re spon si ble
                  for it?" He said: "This pre ven tion would be made by the Romans."
                  (Sahih Muslim)

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