Page 285 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 285
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
USA will recon struct Iraq
The recon struc tion of Iraq Ortadogu, March 19, 2003
Once Vatan, April 18, 2003
21. Iraqis flee to Damascus and the north:
The in no cent and clean peo ple of Iraq will flee to Sham. (Risalat al-
Khuruj al-Mahdi, p. 210.)
Innocent peo ple in Iraq will seek shel ter to wards Sham... (Kanzul Um-
mal, Kitab al-Qiyamah, qism al-af'al, vol. 5, p. 254, al-Muttaki)
Immediately be fore the out break of the lat est Gulf war, tens of thou -
sands of Iraqis sought to mi grate to oth er coun tries, es pe cial ly Syria. This
bears great sim i lar i ty to the event de scribed in the had ith. News and pic -
tures about this at tempt ed mi gra tion ap peared in the me dia.
Milli Gazete, March 19, 2003 Vatan, March 18, 2003
Drama of emi gra tion Emigration start ed