Page 289 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 289
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
24. The division of Iraq into three parts:
According to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace),
the peo ple of Iraq will be di vid ed in to three groups. One part will join
the loot ers. One group will flee, leav ing their fam i lies be hind. And one
group will fight and kill. Prepare your selves for the Judgment Day
when you see this. (Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-
As the had ith re lates, some Iraqis will join the "loot ers." Indeed, at
the end of the war, some Iraqis took ad van tage of the loss of au thor i ty and
en gaged in loot ing. In fact, some of these peo ple stole and pil laged, acts
that can be de fined as loot ing.
The had ith in forms us that some peo ple would be so ea ger to es cape
that they would not even think about the fam i lies they left be hind. The
had ith al so tells that some peo ple would fight and be killed. During this
lat est Gulf War, some Iraqis fought and died.
"The di vi sion of Iraq in to three," as is re lat ed in the had ith's first sec -
tion, al so came true aft er the first Gulf War in 1991, when the coun try was
di vid ed in to three re gions: be tween the 32 and 36 par al lels, south of the
32 par al lel, and north of the 36 par al lel.
Iraq to be divid ed
into 3
Milliyet, May 4, 2003
Iraq is divid ed into 3
Yeni Safak,
November 4, 2003