Page 294 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 294
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
- Indian Prime Minister Gandhi, President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt,
and Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme were as sas si nat ed.
- Pope John Paul II was shot.
- The AIDS vi rus, iden ti fied in 1980, has so far killed more than 25
mil lion peo ple and is known as a "today's plague." 7
- The Challenger space shut tle ex plod ed aft er take-off in 1986.
- The worst nu cle ar ac ci dent in his to ry oc curred when the Chernobyl
nu cle ar re ac tor in the Soviet Union ex plod ed on 26 April 1986, and the re -
leased ra di a tion af fect ed many European coun tries.
- A hole was dis cov ered in the ozone lay er.
- The Soviet Union col lapsed, thanks to Gorbachev, and the new ly
in de pend ent states of Central Asia emerged.
- The Gulf War broke out, Iraq an nexed and then fled Kuwait, and
was fi nal ly oc cu pied by America and Britain in 2003.
The erup tion of the Nevado del Ruiz vol ca no in Colombia in 1985 was a great dis as ter
that caused the death of 20,000 peo ple.
In 1997, 1,8 mil lion hec tars of ag ri cul tur al land re mained un der wa ter due to the flood of
the North Dakota Grand Forks River. The dis as ter, which caused a loss of more than 1
bil lion dol lars ap peared un der the head line of "Great Mud: The City Disappeared." in
var i ous news pa pers.