Page 297 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 297
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
- The 13-year research known as the Human Genome Project was
completed in April, 2003. The approximately 30,000 genes in human DNA
were thus identified and the human genome map produced.
- Mars was clos er to Earth in August 2003 than at any oth er time in
the past 60,000 years.
- The dead ly SARS vi rus spread in 2003, killing 775 people.
- Twelve lost their lives as floods hit Mecca, one of the most ar id re -
gions in the world.
- 86,000 lives lost in the Iranian earth quake on 27 December 2003. The
city of Bam was com plete ly dev as tat ed.
- A to tal of 263 peo ple have so far lost their lives as a re sult of bird
flu, first ob served in birds in Asia.
- An earth quake in the Indian Ocean on 26 December 2004, meas ur -
ing 9.1 to 9.3 on the Richter scale and the fol low ing 30-me ter (98.5 feet)
tsu na mi lead to the deaths of some 300,000 peo ple in 11 coun tries, par tic -
u lar ly Indonesia. More than 1 mil lion peo ple were left home less. This
earth quake, the sec ond most se vere ev er re cord ed, has been de scribed as
the dead li est in his to ry.
- On 23 August 2005, Hurricane Katrina, one of the dead li est hur ri -
canes in his to ry, caus es the deaths of around 2,000 peo ple and eco nom ic
dam age of $100 bil lion, the hi ghest fig ure ev er. Many set tled ar e as, par -
tic u lar ly the city of New Orleans, had to be evac u at ed.
bbc news, December 27, 2003