Page 300 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 300
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
28. Pervasive corruption:
Islamic literature defines fitnah as severe trial terms where life condi-
tions are hardened and people's faith are attempted to be weakened and
destroyed through denial of Allah and religion by various methods.
One had ith re veals that the be liev ers' faith will weak en in the End
Times and al so pro vides in for ma tion about the de vel op ments that will
lead to this:
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), one of my children, comes into being, by the
blessing of Allah, upon the approach of the Day of Judgment; the weak-
ening of the believers' hearts because of death, hunger, fitnah and the
disappearance of the Sunnah; and the emergence of innovations and
the loss of means by which to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong.
His justice and prosperity will ease the believers' hearts, and friend-
ship and love will settle between the non-Arab and the Arab nations.
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Za-
man, p. 66.)
Briefly, the following events will take place before the End Times
and Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) appearance:
1- Death: As a con se quence of an archy and mass mur der, peo ple
will not be safe and will be great ly con cerned about dy ing.
2- Hunger: The strug gle to make a liv ing will be come hard er be cause
the cost of liv ing will rise. Natural dis as ters and ca tas tro phes will lead to
star va tion and hun ger.
3- Fitnah: Such troub les will spread and en cour age un law ful and
im mor al acts among all peo ple, both in pub lic and in pri vate.
4- Innovation (bid'at): Adoption of some rit u als or in no va tions on
the grounds that they are es sen tial com po nents of Islam, al though they
vi o late the teach ings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
5- Disappearance of the communication of moral values of Islam: