Page 295 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 295

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                - An earth quake in Armenia re duced cit ies to rub ble, caus ing 500,000
            peo ple to leave their homes and more than 40,000 dead.
                - The Chinese gov ern ment sent its tanks in to Tienanmen Square dur -
            ing 1989 to crush a stu dent move ment de mand ing great er free dom; 2,000
            stu dents died.
                - The Berlin Wall, which for 28 years had sym bol ized the Cold War,
            was torn down.
                - More than 1,400 pil grims were killed in a stam pede at a tun nel in
            the Ka'bah in 1990.
                - Approximately 139,000 peo ple died from flood ing in Bangladesh in
            1991, and ten mil lion were left home less.
                - Hundreds of thou sands of Muslims were killed in the atroc i ties in
            Bosnia and Kosovo, and hun dreds of thou sands more were ex iled.
                - The Ebola vi rus led to the deaths of a few hun dreds.
                - The climate pattern known as El Nino, causing changes in sea tem-
            perature and air pressure, has inflicted huge disasters on all the countries
            of the world.
                - The London Stock Exchange col lapsed on October 19, 1987, and the
            en su ing pan ic re sult ed in a val ue loss of 50 bil lion British pounds.
                - 168 peo ple were killed in a bomb at tack on a fed er al build ing in Ok-
            lahoma City on 19 April 1995.
                -In 1997, the Hale-Bopp Comet passed so close to Earth that it could
            be seen with the na ked eye.
                - 5,000 peo ple died in an earth quake meas ur ing 6.1 on the Richter
            scale in Afghanistan on February 1998.
                - The big gest-ev er ter ror ist at tack on America took place on Septem-
            ber 11, 2001. Within 18 mi nutes of each oth er, two pas sen ger air planes
            crushed in to the World Trade Center in New York City. Another plane
            crashed in to the Pentagon. Over 5,000 peo ple died.
                - An earth quake meas ur ing 7.9 on the Richter scale struck India, kill -
            ing thou sands of peo ple.
                - Many European coun tries have ex pe ri enced heat waves that have
            killed many peo ple.

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