Page 29 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 29

Religion Helps Science T o  Be Rightly Guided

                The universe came into being through the explosion of a single
                point-mass that had zero volume. This explosion, called the Big
                Bang, demonstrated with compelling evidence that the universe was
                created from nothing, and permanently demolished the materialists'
                claims of an infinite universe.

               Indeed, given the truth of the maxim ex nihilo nihil fit (out of nothing
               comes nothing), the Big Bang requires a supernatural cause. Since the
               initial cosmological singularity represents the terminus of all space-
               time trajectories, there cannot be any physical cause of the Big Bang.
               Rather, the cause must transcend physical space and time: it must be
               independent of the universe, and unimaginably powerful. Moreover,
               this cause must be a personal being, endowed with free will... The
               cause of the origin of the universe must therefore be a personal
               Creator, who a finite time ago brought the universe into existence by
               his free agency. 13

               Another important conclusion to be drawn from the Big Bang theory is
            that, as we have mentioned earlier, a scientific approach based on divine
            knowledge will be highly successful in unraveling the mysteries of the
            universe. Scientists who proceeded from a materialist philosophy and put

            forth the "infinite universe" model, were unable to substantiate it, despite
            their best efforts. However, the Big Bang theory, which Georges Lemaître
            developed, and which was based on divine sources, contributed to
            scientific progress and helped to uncover the true origin of the universe.
               When we look at the history of 20th century science, we see that similar

            occurrences took place in other fields as well.

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