Page 31 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 31

Religion Helps Science T o  Be Rightly Guided

            physical equilibria in the universe are intricately designed to render life
            possible. As research proceeded, it was discovered that each and every
            one of the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology, of the fundamental
            forces such as gravity and electromagnetism, and of the details of the
            structure of atoms and the elements of the universe, has been precisely
            tailored so that human beings may exist. Scientists refer to this
            extraordinary design as the "Anthropic Principle". This is the principle
            by which every detail in the universe has been carefully arranged to make
            human life possible.
               With these discoveries, the dictum formerly imposed on the scientific
            community by the materialist philosophy, touting that "the universe is a
            heap of matter with no meaning and purpose working according to
            chance", was exposed to be an unscientific fallacy. Noted molecular
            biologist Michael Denton makes the following comment in his book,
            Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe:
               The new picture that has emerged in twentieth-century astronomy
               presents a dramatic challenge to the presumption which has been
               prevalent within scientific circles during most of the past four
               centuries: that life is a peripheral and purely contingent phenomenon

                                             Only a highly intelligent person can
                                             reconstruct the scattered pieces of
                                             Albert Einstein's puzzle seen here. It
                                             is therefore certain that systems far
                                             more sophisticated and perfect than
                                             this in the universe were designed by
                                             God, Who has infinite knowledge and

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