Page 30 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 30
The Losses The Claim That "There is No Design in
Nature" Caused Science
Materialists not only proposed that the universe existed since infinite
time, but also claimed that there is no design or purpose in the universe.
They argued that the entire equilibrium, harmony, and order in the
universe was the work of chance. This claim, which dominated the world
of science beginning in the second half of the 19th century, dictated the
subsequent course of scientific investigation.
For instance, certain scientists put forth an assumption called the
"chaos theory" to show that there is no design in the universe. According
to this theory, order may spontaneously form from chaos, and a number
of scientific studies were conducted to support the claim. Mathematical
calculations, studies in theoretical physics, physical trials and chemical
experiments, were all conducted to find an answer to the question, "how
can we demonstrate that the universe is the product of chaos?"
Every new discovery, however, further denied the chaos and chance
theories, revealing that there is an enormous design in the universe.
Research conducted since the 1960s consistently demonstrated that all the
When we see a complex design, we immediately
understand that it is the product of an intelligent agent.