Page 32 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 32
Just as the racist ideology brought disaster
for humanity by leading to World War II, so
did the materialist ideology drag the world
of science into darkness needlessly.
in the cosmic scheme… The evidence provided by modern cosmology
and physics is exactly the kind of evidence that the natural
theologians were looking for in the seventeenth century but failed to
find in the science of their day. 14
The "natural theologians" referred to above are the 17th century and
18th century religiously devout scientists who strove to invalidate
atheism on scientific grounds, and thus prove the existence of God.
However, as also stated in the above quotation, the inferior degree of
scientific knowledge at that time did not allow them to substantiate the
truths they perceived, and materialism, deriving support from the same
primitive level of science, grew in authority in the scientific world. 20th
century science, however, has reversed that course, and provided
conclusive evidence to prove that the universe was created by God.
Here, the real point to be considered is the extraordinary amount of
time that has gone into studies to prove the materialist delusion, that
claimed, "there is no purpose and design in the universe". All such
theories, formulae, studies in theoretical physics, mathematical equations,