Page 55 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 55
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
ther will have died while he is very
young. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is an
orphan. "...Thus we drove you
back to your mother that she
would be happy and be not sad". This
means that his (the Prophet Moses' [pbuh]) mother may
be sad like that. This is also a token. "You and your
brother (referring to Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi
(pbuh) implying that they are brothers) go with my mir-
acles (ayat); go to the Pharaoh for he is corrupted". Who
is the current pharaoh? Darwinism and materialism. "Speak
to him (Pharaoh) clemently for it is hoped that he gets
the monition, think and may fear," that is to say it is ad-
vised that they should speak mercifully and clemently and
avoid speaking harshly. A Muslim does not speak defamato-
ry but clemently. It is said: "It is hoped that he gets the
monition". It is very dangerous
to humiliate a man. You
should not think that you
have subdued him but con-
sider yourselves as conduc-
ers of Allah's will instead.
"...And he may fear". That
is he fears of Allah. He em-
phasizes again: "He said:
Fear not for I am with
you, I see and I hear".