Page 57 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 57
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
was created as it is written in their destiny and they are in the form what
their destiny dictates. But it is also implied metaphorically that answer to
this question is written in a Book which is in Allah's Sight. A Book. It might
be any book that will be emerged in the End Times or any book that has
been already written. That might be any book that informs Darwinists about
Him (Allah). It, insha'Allah also indicates this. Its denotative meaning. But
this is its primary meaning. "My Lord never confuses and forgets". They
say everything is a cosequence of coincidences, but Allah reveals that there
are no coincidences. "My Lord never confuses and forgets", he says,
"...That he (Allah) rendered the earth into a cradle for you." He, this time,
mentions about the Creation of the earth and the universe. What do we do?
We explain the Big Bang, the Creation of the universe.
Look, all the prophets explain the Creation and how
universe was created to persuade them about what
they are obsessed with. "He paved paths and
brought down water from above for you".
That is: everything was created by Allah. "Thus
we created all kinds of plants and couples".
This time he mentions about the Creation of the
plants. "...And couples...". With "couples" he
means that all the plants were created as couples.
Biology has just figured it out that all the plants are
created in couples, has it not? They just discovered
the existence of the anther and the pistil. "Eat
them and graze your stocks; these are, with-