Page 62 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 62
(pbuh). He says: "He taught you the magic" and accuses the Prophet
Moses (pbuh) and others of magic and claims that what they did was noth-
ing but a lie. "Therefore I will dismember you crosswise" exactly the
same way as this alleged Ergenekon Organization's torture methods. "I will
cut and hang you from palm trees". "Thus you will learn whose
wrath is greater and permanent". That is, Allah may forbid, he compares
his power with Allah's. "They said: With the strong evidence that has
been given us...". We offer strong evidence right now, do we not? "...And
we would never prefer you to our Creator". They defy and say: "We
would never follow you".
"Reign if you can, go ahead and reign!". They challenge him to do
his best and say: "You can only reign this mortal world and nothing
more". You can only martyr us which we aspire to. Masha'Allah! "We tru-
ly believe in Allah", they say, Alhamdulillah Masha'Allah, "May Allah for-
give us for our sins and that you led us astray and forced us to deny
him because of this spell". That is the way the alleged Ergenekon
Organization forces people to commit crime, murder and corrupt them.
They say: "... And that you led us astray and forced us to deny him
with this spell". It is alleged that people forced to do amoral things and re-
cruit them against their will. "...And you led us astray". What does "to
lead astray" mean? That means to force. They say: "May Allah forgive our
sins. That is, Allah is most beneficent and eternal." "The fact is that, for those
who are sinners and guilty, their destiny is Hell where they cannot die and
cannot resurrect". The emphasizes that, they wish they were dead but they
could not die; they want to escape it but they just cannot.
"For those who comes before Allah with strong belief and good
deeds, there are high degrees and Adnan heavens through which
golden rivers flow and in which they dwell eternally. And these are
what those who are purified get in return". "Adnan..." As you know, our
Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) was also a "B'nai
Adnan". Yes he was descended from him. Yes it is a beautiful name indeed.
A name which is mentioned in the Quran. And I like it very much because
it is also my name. Masha'Allah.