Page 59 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 59

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             eye. Look at what the verse says: "A broad place that we and you would
             not object". Why broad? For all the public to hear. "Moses said: Let us
             meet on a festive day and at the midmorning when people gather
             around". He recommends to meet at a time when it is most crowded. He
             intends to address the largest possible audience.  "Thus the Pharaoh
             turned away just to pull his corrupt order together and get back".
             That is, he summons his men, professors, associate professors of the time.
             "Moses said: Shame on you! Do not lie to Allah and make up blas-
             phemies for he would eradicate you with great torment". He implies
             that Allah would give them a catastrophe in a form of, say, economic crisis
             or else. It can be anything, is it not? "Those who lie have eradicated
             eventually" says the Prophet Moses (pbuh). "They then started to dis-
             cuss their current status and hold confidential sessions". This is un-
             mistakably a masonic methodology. Behold that the elites have already
             started to discuss and organize secret sessions. The most prominent feature
             of the freemasonry is their secrecy. Discretion and secrecy. Pharaoh was the
             freemason of the ancient times. We can see all of the masonic symbols and
             icon on their relics. Pharaoh was the freemason of that times; he is the mas-
             ter freemason indeed. "They said: They are (Moses and Aaron) are just
             two magicians". They initiate a propaganda against them. Media of that
             time hypes the public by spreading words like: "They want to drive you
             out of your land with their magic". Such a slander it is. They think
             that this is the most effective way to provocate the people. They say:
             "They will drive you out of your land, deprive you of your people
             and eradicate you all." "...And they want to terminate
             your religion, your path". What would that hod-
             ja in Istanbul say to Hazrat Mahdi

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