Page 60 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 60


                                        Presenter : Yes, he would say: "He (Hazrat
                                        Mahdi [pbuh]) devastates our religion, leads us
                                        to disbelief."
                                          Adnan Oktar: And what he (Pharaoh) says?
                                             They want to abolish your religion and
                                                make you stray out of the path. This is
                                                  the same addressing form that
                                                   would be directed at Hazrat Mahdi
                                                   (pbuh). Times change, but events
                                                   remain the same. The Divine prac-
                                                   tice of Allah never changes, it re-
                                                   mains unchanged:  "Therefore
                                                   gather your traps". Look they set
                 traps for Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to fall into. They did it to the Prophet
                  Moses (pbuh) in that time.  "...And then come as masses".  The
                    Prophet Moses (pbuh) challenges them by saying: "Gather your traps
                        and then come as masses, by fives, by tens... all of you as you
                        are". "Those who outnumber today will really be salvaged".
                       They challenge him and that is why it is said: "Gather your traps
                       and then come as masses; those who outnumber today will
                    really be salvaged". "O Moses !", they said, "Throw your scepter
                               first or we will...", that is to say, you initiate the discus-
                              sion and offer your argument or we will... Look, they first
                             set their trick upon them. "He said: No, Insha'Allah, you
                            throw yours first!" but then their ropes and scepters ap-
                           peared to be running to him because of their magic. That is
                          what Darwinists produced as evidence to make people believe

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