Page 104 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 104
Harun Yahya
tion and chemical interactions occurring in both the stratosphere and
the troposphere. All of these things exert an influence on the Earth's
climate. 49
To summarize termites' contribution to the production of meth-
ane gas: First, a study of the geographical distribution of the total
weight and population (biomass) of termites throughout the world
was made; then the relation between the general distribution of the
termites' gas and their biomass was studied. The result showed that
termites produce 4% of the methane and 2% of the carbon dioxide in
the world's atmosphere. 50
Besides this, termites cause nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and oth-
er minerals to be released into the soil from the plant material they
take into their nests. These minerals mix with the soil and become
available for other plants and animals in the area.
And as termites enter and exit their nests, they turn the soil over
and aerate it, allowing oxygen to enter. They also allow penetration by
the suns' rays and by the moisture that's so important for the countless
organisms that live under the ground.
Do you not see that everyone in the heavens and Earth glorifies
God, as do the birds with their outspread wings? Each one
knows its prayer and glorification. God knows what they do.
(Surat an-Nur: 41)