Page 107 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 107
Adnan Oktar
it could not found a colony. No matter what qualities it was endowed
with, none of them would remain after it died. The situation would
not change if we supposed that the first termite was a soldier; it too
would have certain problems to overcome. It would not be able to eat,
because of the size of its jaw that was designed for battle. This would
make it very difficult, if not impossible, for it to survive. If we suppose
that the original termite was a queen, again, she would need workers
to feed her, and a king to fertilize the eggs to propagate the species.
How is it, then, that social insects were so eminently successful in
founding a colony?
Termites have lived in colonies for millions of years without
changing; 250 year-old termite fossils prove this. All the termites that
have lived throughout this period have the same characteristics as ter-
mites living today: 150 million years ago, worker termites were self-
sacrificial; fed the larvae, the soldiers and the queen; and, although
blind, they built nests many meters high. Without exception, the char-
acteristics of termites today are largely the same as those of every oth-
er termite.
All this points to an obvious fact: termites appeared all at once.
That is, they were created by God.
The common characteristics of termites are all exhortations to
faith. They deepen a believer's faith, draw him closer to the Lord and
increase his fear and love for Him. Telling others about these truths is
an important act of worship. These facts increase a believer's closeness
to God; they also may soften the heart of a non-believer and cause him
to think and take heed. Every individual has the responsibility to bring
others to faith and assist them to lead morally good lives. A good way
to carry out this responsibility is to share truth and wisdom by point-
ing out to others the excellence of God's creation. The purpose of this
book has been to stir up reader's awareness of the existence and great-
ness of God through the example of a tiny species that He has created.
Conclusion 105