Page 105 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 105



                      rom the examples given so far, we can see that termites live

                      in perfectly ordered colonies. Every termite knows its duty
            and carries it out without error; and they behave self-sacrificially to-
            wards one another. Scientists have done much research about termites
            and written books about their findings; and the lack of any confusion
            in the termite system leaves them amazed.
                 Among these scientists, there are certainly evolutionists who have
            studied termites. All the proofs of faith they see in these creatures, they
            ascribe to chance; they ask "Who?" "Why?" and "How?" but they can-
            not find answers to their questions. You may read any chapter of an

            evolutionist book, but you will always find the same classic interpre-
            tations. These books propose various theories and make various
            claims, but their evidence is lacking. For example, Professor Ali
            Demirsoy, an evolutionist, explains why social insects live in colonies:
                 Social insects have organized among themselves to produce a
            unit of life . . . An ant nest resembles a multi-celled colony consisting
            of more than one individual. As with multi-celled organisms, no indi-

            vidual in the nest has the ability to survive on its own. That is because
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