Page 106 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 106

Harun Yahya

              specific classes in the nest have specialized to perform specific jobs (re-
              call honeybees and termites). Reproduction, fertilization, feeding, and
              defense in certain circumstances are all carried out by particular class-
              es. In other words, the various functions of an organism capable of liv-
              ing on its own are divided among the various classes in the nest. Here,
              in order to succeed in the evolutionary stage already referred to, there

              has been an attempt to develop a brain and consciousness. Thus there
              has been an experiment with individuals whose progress has been
              prevented being able to make evolutionary progress in a different way.
              Progress at a specific level has thus been established. For example, care
              of the young, awareness of time, understanding in various forms, and
              temperature adjustment have all developed in an amazing way. In
              summary, when progress is prevented or blocked, there have been at-
              tempts for the society to develop consciousness. . . ." 51
                   In this paragraph, Dr. Demirsoy claims that, in order for social in-

              sects to live together, duties must be allotted to various classes. The
              brains and the awareness of the insects must be developed, and indi-
              vidual termites must make experiments. But as we can see, he offers
              no explanation for things like how termites care for their young, their
              sense of time, how they understand one another and how they regu-
              late temperature. These abilities have simply developed in an "amaz-
              ing way."

                   At this point, we must ask some questions of evolutionist scien-
                   First of all, who develops these insects' awareness?
                   Who made them perform these supposed experiments?
                   Did the first termite sit down one day and start to think? Did it
              decide that a community was needed, and plan the social organization
              of a termite colony? Did other termites somehow appear to move into
              the colony and decide to go along with the first termite's plans?
                   Let's suppose that the first termite was a worker—infertile, so that

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