Page 94 - Perfected Faith
P. 94

                      PERFECTED FAITH LIKE?

               What Kind of A Belief in Allah Does He Have?

               He knows that:
               There is no god but Allah,
               It is Allah Who created everything,
               It is Allah Who directs all affairs,
               Hearts are in Allah's hands,
               Allah encompasses everything,
               It is He Who determines man's destiny,
               He is the Almighty and does whatever He wills,
               Allah is All-Aware and All-Hearing,
               Allah is the Preserver of all things,
               He is the Knower of all unseen things,
               He is Rich Beyond Need and is exalted above everything,
               He has not given birth and that He was not born,
               He does not misplace nor does He forget,
               He is the Master of the Kingdom,
               He is the sole Inheritor,
               He is alive,
               Might and honour belong to Allah,
               He is always victorious and Almighty,
               To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names,
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