Page 97 - Perfected Faith
P. 97


          He turns towards Allah in every deed,
          He remembers all the qualities he possesses are from Allah,
          He feels heartfelt obedience to Allah, His commands and His
          He does not let Satan influence him,
          He always acts in accordance with his conscience,
          He has a state of spirit that turns solely towards Allah,
          He takes only Allah and believers as his friends,
          He strives to draw nearer to Allah,
          He feels grateful to Allah at every moment,
          He does not forget to secretly or openly spend for the cause of
          He is firm in his resolution to exercise patience in any difficulty,
          He displays moral perfection,
          He constantly displays the attributes of believers,
          He becomes foremost in good deeds.

          What Kind of An Understanding of Fate Does He Have?
          He knows that:
          Everything has been created in accordance with destiny,
          Allah predetermines every event, from birth to death,
          Every event occurs at the exact moment Allah preordains,
          He should humble himself before his Lord,
          Heartfelt obedience to Allah is of recognized worth,
          Allah sees all times in a moment,
          He needs to submit to Allah,
          No matter what he does, it is Allah Who will determine the end,
          If he submits to Allah completely, he will never become unhappy,
          He should be contented with every image Allah creates.

          Aware that everything that befalls him is from Allah alone:
          He does not become agitated,
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