Page 96 - Perfected Faith
P. 96

                                       PERFECTED FAITH

               Everything he does is based on his fear of Allah,
               He turns towards Allah for every deed in which he engages,
               He feels that it is Allah alone Who punishes,
               He feels fear of Allah, His threat and the punishment of Hell,
               He does not forget how Allah punished those wrongdoers who
              passed away before him,
               He has a respectful and strong fear of Allah.

               What Kind of A Faith Does He Have?
               He has a faith founded entirely on fear and love of Allah,
               Owing to his deep-seated fear and love of Allah;
               He worships Allah alone,
               He regards Allah over and above everything,
               He seeks no god apart from Allah,
               He does not associate any partners with Him,
               He knows that everything is from Allah,
               He knows Allah is always with him and sees whatever he does,
               He is aware that the main purpose in every moment of life is to earn
              Allah's approval,
               He devotes his entire life to Allah,
               He observes Allah's limits meticulously,
               He is conscious of his weaknesses before Allah,
               He assumes an obedient attitude towards Allah's words,
               He trusts Allah alone,
               He understands that Allah is his sole helper,
               He remembers Allah unceasingly,
               He meticulously adheres to the Qur'an,
               He is always grateful to Allah,
               He believes in the Day of Rising with certainty,
               He hinders others from being deceived by the life of this world,
               He feels no fear for the future,
               He perceives that there is good in everything,
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