Page 95 - Perfected Faith
P. 95
He is the Mighty, the Wise,
He is nearer to His servant than his jugular vein,
Allah knows the slightest thing in our minds,
He knows what is secret and what is yet more hidden,
He is the Just,
He is the Most Merciful of the merciful,
He is the Ever-Forgiving,
He is the All-Loving,
He is the Acceptor of repentance,
He answers sincere prayers,
He is Ever-Thankful,
He is the One Who teaches everything,
He is a warner,
He gives life to the dead and creates the Day of Reckoning,
He helps those who help His religion, both in this world and the
Allah's promise is true,
He creates hell for disbelievers and paradise for believers,
What Kind of A Fear of Allah Does He Have?
He fears Allah alone and observes only His limits,
He does not fear anything but Allah,
He fears Allah as much as he can,
He feels that it is He Who puts fear for Allah and faith in one's heart,
He experiences this fear not only in times of difficulty but also in
times of ease,
He does not forget that Allah knows what the heart harbours, all se-
crets and what is even more concealed,
He remembers that Allah sees everything,
He conducts himself well, in the knowledge that he will give an ac-
count of everything to Allah,
He pays the utmost attention to what is lawful and unlawful,