Page 28 - Devoted to Allah
P. 28
The example of “spending in the way of Allah” (infaq)
will make this theme clearer. A believer is a person who
has sold his “property and self” to Allah. He should put
whatever he has to use in the way that pleases Allah most.
However, he may frequently encounter many choices. Let
us assume that he has a considerable amount of money
with which he could buy a new suit for himself. This is in-
deed a legitimate and lawful thing to do; being meticulous
about one’s appearance is certainly something in con-
formity with Allah’s will. However, there may be other
things to do with this money which would please Allah
more . Giving it to a needy person might well please Allah
more. However, this is a decision that rests entirely with
the person himself. Considering the specific conditions
and environment he is in, he must establish his priorities
by consulting his conscience.
Another example will lead to a better understanding
of this theme: A believer is responsible for “enjoining
good and forbidding evil,” communicating Allah’s reli-
gion and waging a struggle on intellectual grounds
against the tyrants in the world. Undertaking this all-im-
portant responsibility is one way to earn the good pleas-
ure of Allah. Such a responsibility means that certain
duties always take precedence. Since there are so many
duties demanded by such an important responsibility, it
would be incorrect to give priority to any other deed, al-
beit a legitimate and lawful one. For instance, a man is re-
sponsible for taking care of his family; he is the one who
provides security and sustenance for the family members.
However, using this as an excuse to avoid the responsibil-