Page 33 - Devoted to Allah
P. 33
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
ing, “We will be forgiven.” But if similar goods come
to them again they still take them. Has not a covenant
been made with them in the Book, that they should
only tell the truth about Allah and have they not stud-
ied what is in it? The Final Abode is better for those
who have fear of Allah. Will you not use your intel-
lect? (Surat al-A‘raf: 169)
There are also those who, deceived by the material
wealth granted to them in this world, arrive at the erro-
neous conclusion that Allah loves them, - despite the fact
that they do not sincerely turn to Allah and do good
deeds, - thereby believing that they too will be welcomed
into Paradise—although they harbor doubts about its ex-
istence. Allah gives us a relevant example in the Qur’an:
Give them this parable. Once there were two men, to
one of whom We gave two gardens of grape-vines and
surrounded them with date-palms, putting between
them some cultivated land. Both gardens yielded their
crops and did not suffer any loss, and We made a river
flow right through the middle of them. He was a man
of wealth and property and he said to his companion,
which conversing with him, “I have more wealth than
you and my clan is mightier than yours.” He entered
his garden and wronged himself by saying, “I do not
think that this will ever end. I do not think the Hour
of Doom will ever come. But if I should be sent back
to my Lord, I will definitely get something better in re-
turn.” (Surat al-Kahf: 32-36)
In contrast to people with such a mindset, a believer
fears “going astray after being guided to the right path.”
The prayer of believers is related in the Qur’an as follows: