Page 30 - Devoted to Allah
P. 30


             pliance with the desires of the soul is defined in the
             Qur’an as setting up partners with Allah:
                 Have you seen him who has taken his whims and de-
                 sires to be his god? Will you then be his guardian?
                 (Surat al-Furqan: 43)
                 A believer, on the other hand, devotes all his posses-
             sions and his entire life to Allah. This superior attribute of
             believers is indicated in the Qur’an as follows:

                 Say: “My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying,
                 are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds.” (Surat
                 al-An‘am: 162)

                 As for seeking what most pleases Allah, the attitude of
             some believers in wartime in the days of the Prophet
             Muhammad (saas) is related in the Qur’an. In the face of
             two groups of enemies, believers preferred to fight against
             the weaker of the two. Yet it was Allah’s will that there
             should be a fight against the stronger. These events are re-
             lated in the verses as follows:
                 When Allah promised you that one of the two parties
                 would be yours, you would have preferred the un-
                 armed one, whereas Allah sought to fulfill His prom-
                 ise and to rout the last remnant of the disbelievers.
                 This was so that the Truth should triumph and false-
                 hood be discomfited, even though the evil-doers hated
                 that. (Surat al-Anfal: 7-8)
                 Finally, Allah made the believers confront the stronger
             party and led them to the one thing that would please Him
             most. Ultimately, they triumphed with the help of Allah.
                 The example related above is an event shaped within
             the conditions of our Prophet’s (saas) era. Yet the fact re-

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