Page 32 - Devoted to Allah
P. 32
make the theme more comprehensible. Turning away
from what pleases Allah most and involving oneself with
tasks of secondary importance is in fact displeasing to
Allah. Hence, that one thing that pleases Allah most is,
under all circumstances, whatever is in accordance with
His will. To put it another way, there is no alternative to
what pleases Allah most.
Not seeking what will please Allah best, and being
contented with less, is actually a consequence of a flawed
outlook on the Hereafter. Such an outlook is formed be-
cause one thinks one unconditionally deserves Paradise.
However, nobody can be assured of such a reward. In the
Qur’an, Allah warns even the Prophet (saas) with the
verse, “… If Allah willed, He could seal up your heart…”
(Surat ash-Shura: 24). This being the case, it is obvious that
no one is guaranteed Paradise.
In any case, a sincere believer, as described in the
Qur’an, never thinks, in such a wrong way, that he or she
definitely deserves Paradise or becomes carried away by
this feeling. The true believer typically prays to Allah in
“fear and hope.” (Surat al-A‘raf, 56)
Those lacking real faith also think they deserve
Paradise, because they do not fear Allah as they should
and assume that the deeds they do are good. With their
flawed rationale, they say, “We will in any case be for-
given.” However, this is an attitude peculiar to those who
do not fear Allah as He should be feared. Of the situation
of these people Allah states the following:
An evil generation has succeeded them, inheriting the
Book, taking the goods of this lower world, and say-