Page 24 - Justice and Compassion in the Qur'an
P. 24
have never committed or bear false witness against them,
although their innocence is known to them. Only on account
of such enmity, many people may be subjected to unbearable
oppression. Some people avoid bearing witness in favor of
people they disagree with, although they know they are
innocent, and they keep evidence which would reveal their
innocence hidden. Furthermore, they take pleasure in the
misery these people face, their encounters with injustice or
great suffering. Their greatest worry, on the other hand, is that
justice should be done and these peoples' innocence proved.
For these reasons, it is very hard for people in corrupt
societies to trust one another. People worry about being
harmed by someone else all the time. Having lost mutual
trust, they also lose their human feelings, such as compassion,
brotherhood and co-operation, and start hating one another.
However, the feelings someone holds in his heart towards
a person or community should never influence a believer's
decisions. No matter how immoral or hostile the person he is
considering may be, the believer sets all these feelings aside
and acts and makes his decisions justly and recommends that
which is just. His feelings towards that person cast no shadow
over his wisdom and conscience. His conscience always
inspires him to comply with Allah‘s commands and advice,
and not to abandon good manners, because this is Allah‘s
command in the Qur'an. In Sura Ma'ida, it is related as follows:
You who believe! Show integrity for the sake of Allah,
bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people
incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to
faith. Heed Allah [alone]. Allah is aware of what you do.
(Surat al-Ma'ida, 8)