Page 26 - Justice and Compassion in the Qur'an
P. 26
For the majority of people, an environment where the
justice referred to in the foregoing sections prevails seems
utopian, an illusory concept that can only exist in the realms
of literature. This attitude denies that a society in which there
is real justice is possible. Nevertheless, history has witnessed
periods when justice ordained in the Qur'an was built up and
real peace, love and security pervaded human relations.
In communities to which the messengers of Allah were
sent, social relations were marked by great understanding,
peace and justice. As Allah informs us, "Every nation has a
Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is
decided between them justly. They are not wronged" (Surah
Yunus, 47). No one was oppressed in their times, and true
justice prevailed among people.
Allah commands all His messengers to administer justice
with no consideration of race and ethnicity. The books
revealed to the Prophet Jesus (as), Moses (as) and David (as)
summoned people to good morals, compassion, peace and
trust, as did the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet Muhammad