Page 27 - Justice and Compassion in the Qur'an
P. 27
(saas). The following verse makes it clear that one of the
reasons why messengers are sent is "to establish justice":
We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent
down the Book and the Balance with them so that
mankind might establish justice... (Al-Hadid, 25)
In the Qur'an, one of the prophets who is told to display
exemplary conduct in ruling with justice is the Prophet David
(as). Two litigants came to the Prophet David (as) requesting
him to judge between them with truth:
Has the story of the litigants reached you? How they
climbed up to the Upper Room and came in on Dawud
who was alarmed by them. They said, "Do not be afraid.
We are two litigants, one of whom has acted unjustly
towards the other, so judge between us with truth and do
not be unjust and guide us to the Right Path. This brother
of mine has ninety-nine ewes and I have only one." He
said, "Let me have charge of it," and got the better of me
with his words. (Surah Sâd, 21-23)
As stated in the verse, the two litigants asked Allah‘s
Prophet not to be unjust while judging between them and to
guide them to the right path. They trusted in his justice and
submitted themselves to his verdict. The answer of the
Prophet David (as) was as revealed in the verse:
He said, "He has wronged you by asking for your ewe to
add to his ewes. Truly many partners are unjust to one
another—except those who believe and do right actions,
and how few they are!"... (Surah Sâd, 24)
This decision of the Prophet David (as) sets a very good
example for believers since he sided with the person who was
in the right, rather than the more powerful one, and hence