Page 27 - Love in the Torah
P. 27
Adnan Oktar: “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous.” How? Joy-
fully. Why? Singing joyfully because of faith. Who is loved? Because
God is loved. "It is fitting for the upright to praise Him." If you are
upright then praise the Lord, say that He is All-Powerful and
Almighty, recite His name. Saying, "SubhanAllah, subhanAllah,
subhanAllah subhanAllah. AllahuAkbar, AllahuAkbar, Almighty
Lord, Allahu Akbar." This is a response to the bigots; "Praise the
Lord with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre."
With musical instruments, we see that the Alevis have figured this
out, may God be pleased with them. "How can you be sated, how
can you be sated, how could you let go your loved one?" This is
amazing. "Make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre." This is a
great effort by our Alevi brothers. They have not abolished this five-
thousand year old commandment. They are praising our Lord with
musical instruments, this is really beautiful. They are praising the
Prophet (pbuh). "Make music to Him." To Whom? To God. " Sing
to Him a new song." Do not always say the same words, sing with
"a new song". Just as people keep on thinking of new songs for their
loved ones, and there are always new songs being composed, here
these words teach us to sing new songs to our Lord. One will end,
the other will get started. Who is going to make these songs? God
will compose them. "Play skillfully, and shout for joy." This
means musical instruments should play with the best performance,
the zither should sound joyfully. Along with what? You will shout
for joy. This teaches that you should be full of love. Do you un-
derstand? For example, the Prophet David (pbuh) starts dancing
with love, the love of God. They wanted to criticize the Prophet
David (pbuh) but he never takes any notice of these. How does he
dance? With the love of God, he plays skillfully. Masha'Allah, he
dances right at the front, insha'Allah. (30 October 2014, A9 TV)