Page 130 - Das Wunder der Migration bei Tieren
P. 130

In the ir au tumn mig -
                                                           ra ti on, spiny lobs ters
                                                           stay right be hind the -
                                                           ir le ader. When thre -
                                                           ate ned, they co il
                                                           ro und in to a de fen si -
                                                           ve rosette, with all the
                                                           pincers outwards, so
                                                           that an enemy trying
                                                           to at tack is conf ron -
                                                           ted with sharp
                                                           weaponry at every
                                                           ang le.

                 Spiny lobs ters se en wal king in sing le queue du ring au tumn mig ra ti on. Wal king ac -
                 ross the sea flo or, each lobs ter ma in ta ins con tact with the lobs ter in front.

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