Page 54 - Das Wunder der Migration bei Tieren
P. 54
Some di ving birds, inc lu ding ducks that sub -
mer ge when in dan ger, of ten tra vel over wa ter
by day and over land at night. Strong flyers li -
ke snow ge ese ma ke the en ti re trip from Ja mes
Bay, Ca na da to
the ir win te ring gro unds on Lo ui si ana Gulf co -
ast in one continuous flight. The birds left Ja -
mes Bay on Oc to ber 17 and ar ri ved on the
Gulf co ast 60 ho urs la ter af ter a con ti nu ous
flight of over 2,800 ki lo me ters (1,700 mi les) at
an ave ra ge spe ed of 45
ki lo me ters (28 mi les) per ho ur.
( ce/othr -
data/mig ratio/when.htm)