Page 57 - Das Wunder der Migration bei Tieren
P. 57

At al ti tu des such as 6,000 me ters (19,690 feet) whe re the
                                    oxy gen con tent is half that of gro und
                                    le vel, birds can still fly with ea se, whe re a per son who is
                                    stan ding still may ha ve dif fi culty bre at hing. At al ti tu des
                                    abo ve 7,000 me ters (23,000 feet), a
                                    per son wit ho ut physi cal tra ining may lap se in to un cons -
                                    ci ous ness and die. Ho we ver, a flock of
                                    migrating whooper swans has be en ob ser ved
                                    flying at 8,230 meters (26.904 feet) above sea level.

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