Page 70 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 70
68 Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God
The reference to eating is particularly wise, because eating, hunger,
thirst, and the need to sleep are all characteristics of living things and ex-
pressions of helplessness. Given this, it is a grave error to ascribe divine
status to Prophet Jesus (pbuh), who possessed all of the human charac-
teristics mentioned in the verse. With his title of the Provider (al-Razzaq),
God, the Lord of all, nourishes and imparts blessings to all living things.
He is the One Who has need of nothing and nobody. However, all living
things stand in need of our Lord in order to exist and survive.
Another piece of wisdom connected to this matter may be the infor-
mation provided about the angels who appeared to Prophet Abraham
(pbuh) in human form (God knows best!) and did not eat any food:
Has the account reached you of the honored guests of Abraham? When
they entered his dwelling and said: "Peace." he replied: "Peace to people
we do not know." So he slipped off to his household and brought a fat-
tened calf. He offered it to them and then asked: "Do you not then eat?"
He felt afraid of them, but they said: "Do not be afraid," and gave him
the good news of a son imbued with knowledge. (Surat adh-Dhariyat:
Our messengers brought the good news to Abraham. They said: "Peace,"
and he als so said: "Peace" and brought in a roasted calf without delay.
When he saw that their hands were not r reaching for it, he suspected
them and felt afraid. They said: "Have no fear. We have been sent to th he
people of Lot." (Surah Hud: 69-70)
God warns those who believe in the trinity and who ascribe divine
status to Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in various ways in several verses, among
them the following:
Those who say: "God is the Messiah, son of Mary" do not belie eve. Ask:
"Who possesses any power at all over God if He desires to destroy the
Messiah, son of Mary,, and his mother, and everyone else on Earth?"
The kingdom of the heavens and Earth, and everything b between them,